Save your diagrams in the cloud.

Embed and export in any tool.

Support indie open-source development.

gg+ is the cloud service companion of the excellent gg editor!

Try gg+ for 14 days, no credit card required.

Unlimited diagrams

Create unlimited diagrams, synchronized in the cloud, with short permanent URLs.

Share diagrams

Share diagrams publicly with read-only privileges.

Image URLs

Insert images of your diagrams in any tool with URLs that are kept up-to-date with your latest changes.

No watermarks

Remove any mention of gg in your exported images, for a more professional look.


free forever


5$ per month

Full editor features
Full presentation features
Local file support
Export to image locally
Synchronize to the cloud
Manage multiple diagrams
Cloud rendering and
image URLs
Share diagrams publicly
Watermark-free export

Upgrade to gg+ for only 5$ per month.

14 days of free trial, no credit card required.